Educational Process: Reading Is The Foundation To Learning
Mark Twain once said, "The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them."
It has also been said that a reluctant reader simply hasn’t found the right books yet.
I have come to realize how important reading is to the education process. It is foundational to learning, and is the key to future success in life. Yet I grew up as a reluctant reader.
Now I've joined the battle to help children develop a love for reading. I'm available for a limited number of school visits in and around the Rockford, Illinois area, and will consider traveling to more distant locations. My program is unique and the responses have been very positive. I prefer reading nights, where students and their parents attend together, and where copies of my books can be sold, but I'm also available for other programs. My presentation includes props that I use while writing. These are items that help me to visualize the scene better. I also use mood appropriate music and allow the students to stretch their imagination by listening to various pieces. Then I'll read an exciting chapter from one of my books. For longer programs, I might read a chapter and then ask the students, "What happens next?" They will then write a few paragraphs to continue the story, as they see it. Then I'll read how the story really goes. I like to stress the fact that each of us is unique. No one sees the world exactly the same as anyone else. Because of this there is lots of room for individual creativity. In literature, this is called voice as students have an opportunity to put down on paper the way they interpret the world around them. The reason I prefer reading nights, where the parents are also present, is because, once parents hear how I came to write my books, they see how these books can impact their children in a positive way. The books are entertaining, fast-paced, with lots of humor and heart-pounding action. Each book is also educational, without the reader even knowing it.
For Reluctant Readers Everywhere
At a recent school reading night, two mothers came to me, with tears in their eyes, and thanked me for the books I'm writing for their children.
Then a boy cautiously approached my signing table. He clutched a copy of one of my books as he looked down at his feet. Slowly he looked up and said, “I'm just like you."
“Oh?" I asked. “How's that?"
He smiled slightly as he said, "Because I don't like to read."
I pointed to the book in his hands and told him, “Then you're gonna love that book." He looked down at it, then, as he looked back up to me, a grin spread across his face. His eyes twinkled as he said, “I know it." My action adventure books will make a difference in the lives of children. Even though they were originally intended for reluctant reader boys, they are also loved by avid boy readers, girls, and even adults. School Inquiries EMAIL ME CLICK on the blackboard photo at left to email me.